

  1. Whiteford, K.L., Baltzell, L.S., Chiu, M., Cooper, J.K., Faucher, S., Goh, P.Y., Hagedorn, A., Irsik, V.C., Irvine, A., Lim, S.J., Mesik, J.L., Mesquita, B., Oakes, B., Rajappa, N., Roverud, E., Schrlau, A.E., Van Hedger, S.C., Bharadwaj, H.M., Johnsrude, I.S., Kidd Jr., G. Luebke, A.E., Maddox, R.K., Marvin, E.W., Perrachione, T.K., Shinn-Cunningham, B.G., & Oxenham, A.J. (2024). Musical training does not enhance neural sound encoding at early stages of the auditory system: A large-scale multisite investigation. bioRxiv,

  2. Ahmed, H.*, Van Hedger, K., Berman, M.G., & Van Hedger, S.C. (2024). Degraded nature sounds are liked less but still restorative. PsyArXiv,

  3. Van Hedger, S.C., Jovanovic, K.*, Grenier, A.*, & Hoh, S.Y.* (2024). Short-term pitch memory predicts both incidentally and intentionally acquired absolute pitch categories. PsyArXiv,

  4. Babalola, O.*, Van Hedger, K., & Van Hedger, S.C. (2024). Misophonia is associated with heightened emotion evocation by music. PsyArXiv,

  5. Thomson, J.S.H.*, & Van Hedger, S.C. (2023). Effects of a brief online mindfulness intervention on cognition and affect in university students: A randomized longitudinal design. PsyArXiv,

  6. Cormier, H.*, Tsang, C.D., & Van Hedger, S.C. (2023). The role of attention in inducing a musically induced visual motion aftereffect. PsyArXiv,

  7. Van Hedger, S.C., Winspear, M., & Batterink, L.J. (2021). Talker variability facilitates the statistical learning of speech sounds, PsyArXiv,

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  1. Bongiovanni, N.*, Chan, T.M.V., Van Hedger, S.C., Findley, C., & Hoeckner, B. (In Press). Pitch height and mode have asymmetrical effects on the perception of mixed emotions in major and minor seventh chords. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

  2. Van Hedger, S.C., Halpern, A.R., Vollweiler, D.J., Smith, E.E.*, & Pfordresher, P.Q. (2024). Is Hey Jude in the right key? Cognitive components of absolute pitch memory. Memory & Cognition. Advance online publication.

  3. Mathiesen, S.L., Van Hedger, S.C., Irsik, V.C., Bain, M.M., Johnsrude, I.S., & Herrmann, B. (2024). Exploring age differences in absorption and enjoyment during story listening. Psychology International, 6, 667-684.

  4. Sweet, S., Van Hedger, S.C., & Batterink, L.J. (2024). Of words and whistles: Statistical learning operates similarly for identical sounds perceived as speech and non-speech. Cognition, 242, 105649.

  5. Hull, K.*, Van Hedger, K., & Van Hedger, S.C. (2024). Absorption relates to individual differences in visual face pareidolia. Current Psychology, 43, 4458-4474.

  6. Van Hedger, S.C., Bongiovanni, N.*, & Khudhair, H.* (2023). Some like it sharp: Song familiarity influences musical preference for absolute tuning. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication.

  7. Van Hedger, S.C., & Bongiovanni, N.* (2023). Widespread but limited in context: Absolute tuning judgments are disrupted by relative pitch cues. Music & Science, 6, ,

  8. Schertz, K.E., Kotabe, H.P., Meidenbauer, K.L., Layden, E.A., Zhen, J., Bowman, J.E., Lakhtakia, T., Lyu, M., Paraschos, O.A., Janey, E.A., Samtani, A.L., Stier, A.J., Gehrke, K., Van Hedger, S.C., Vohs, K.D., & Berman, M.G. (2023). Nature's path to thinking about others and the surrounding environment. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 89, 102046.

  9. Van Hedger, S.C., Bongiovanni, N.*, Heald, S.L.M, & Nusbaum, H.C. (2023). Absolute pitch judgments of familiar melodies generalize across timbre and octave. Memory & Cognition, 51 , 1898-1910.

  10. Bongiovanni, N.*, Heald, S.L.M, Nusbaum, H.C., & Van Hedger, S.C. (2023). Generalizing across tonal context, timbre, and octave in rapid absolute pitch training. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(5), 525-542.

  11. Alexander, E., Van Hedger, S.C., & Batterink, L.J. (2023). Learning words without trying: Daily second language podcasts support word-form learning in adults. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 751-762.

  12. Schertz, K.E., Bowman, J.E., Kotabe, H.P., Layden, E.A., Zhen, J., Lakhtakia, T., Lyu, M., Paraschos, O.A., Van Hedger, S.C., Rim, N.K., Vohs, K.D., & Berman, M.G. (2022). Environmental influences on affect and cognition: A study of natural and commercial semi-public spaces. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101852,

  13. Brancato, G.*, Van Hedger, K., Berman, M.G., & Van Hedger, S.C. (2022). Simulated nature walks improve psychological well-being along a natural to urban continuum. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101779.

  14. Dumas, T.M., Ellis, W.E., Van Hedger, S.C., Litt, D.M., & MacDonald, M. (2022). Lockdown, bottoms up? Changes in adolescent substance use across the COVID-19 pandemic. Addictive Behaviors, 131, 107326.

  15. Van Hedger, S.C., Johnsrude, I.S., & Batterink, L.J. (2022). Musical instrument familiarity affects statistical learning of tone sequences. Cognition, 218, 104949.

  16. Heald, S.L.M., Van Hedger, S.C., Veillette, J., Reis, K., Snyder, J.S., & Nusbaum, H.C. (2022). Going beyond rote auditory learning: Neural patterns of generalized auditory learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34,

  17. Reis, K.S., Heald, S.L.M., Veillette, J.P., Van Hedger, S.C., & Nusbaum, H.C. (2021). Individual differences in human frequency-following response predict pitch labeling ability. Scientific Reports, 11, 14290,

  18. Van Hedger, S.C., Veillette, J., Heald, S.L., & Nusbaum, H.C. (2020). Revisiting continuous versus discrete models of human behavior: The case of absolute pitch. PLOS ONE,

  19. Uddin, S., Reis, K., Van Hedger, S.C., Heald, S.L.M., & Nusbaum, H.C. (2020). Cortical mechanisms of talker normalization in fluent sentences. Brain & Language, 201, 104722.

* denotes HAP Lab undergraduate student